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Facilities Use Form

Procedure for in-house facilities use: (click here to download the form)

1. Obtain a blue Facilities Use Application from either the SACC Office or the Board Office.
2. Fill it out in entirety, sign and return to the Facilities Coordinator, Alyssa Leatherwood.  Be sure to include all of your technology and maintenance needs.
3. At this point, your event will be tentatively placed on the calendar.
4. Your form will then be reviewed by the Superintendent.
5. If denied, you will receive it back.
6. If approved, you will receive confirmation from Ms. Leatherwood via phone or e-mail and receive a copy of the approved form in your mailbox.
7. At that point, your event will be confirmed on the facilities calendar.  You must alert Ms. Leatherwood of any changes to your form prior to the event.

**NEW** Use of Help Desk to submit Facilities Use Applications

1. Similar to submitting a request for Technology or Maintenance, you can now use the Help Desk from your computer to submit a request for an event.  This is in lieu of the paper form.  Click on the Facilities/Events Help Desk and fill out all of the specified areas in entirety. 
2. Remember to put the date, time and location of the event, as well as all technology and maintenance needs.
3. You and the Facilities Coordinator will then be able to keep in touch regarding your event via the Help Desk and school e-mail account.  This is a new process we are implementing this year and at this point, is only for in-house requests.

Procedure for outside organizations to use the facilities: (click here to download the form)

*****All outside organizations MUST begin the procedure below at least 35-40 days prior to the date you are requesting*****

1. Obtain a blue Facilities Use Application from either the SACC Office or the Board Office.
2. Fill it out in entirety, sign and return to the Facilities Coordinator, Alyssa Leatherwood.  Be sure to include all of your technology and maintenance needs.
3. In order to be considered, you must include a Certificate of Insurance with Northfield Community School named as Additional Insured for your event.  For more information about this policy, please call (609) 407-4009.
4. Sign and return the form using one of the following:
  • Fax to Attn: Alyssa Leatherwood (609) 646-0608
  • Mail to Northfield Community School
    Facilites/SACC Office
    2000 New Road
    Northfield, NJ 08225
  • Drop it off in person to the Board Office or Elementary School Office between 9am - 3pm or the SACC Office between 3-6pm Monday - Friday.

5. Once received, your event will be tentatively placed on the calendar, pending Superintendent approval.
6. Your form will then be reviewed by the Superintendent who reviews all applications on a first come and a case-by-case basis, and either approves or denies use based on our Facilities Policy.  In some cases, requests required Board of Education review and approval.  If this is the case, you will be contacted and your request will go before the Board and the next possible monthly Board meeting.  For more information about this policy, please call (609) 407-0635.
7. If denied, you will be contacted as soon as possible.
8. If approved, you will receive confirmation from Ms. Leatherwood via phone or e-mail.  If you would like to receive a copy of your approved form, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the address above.
9.  At that point, your event will be confirmed on the facilities calendar.  It is then your responsibility to contact Ms. Leatherwood by phone or e-mail to make any changes to the original form or to meet to discuss any needs or requests prior to your event.