Course Selection and Registration for Mainland High School - 2023
The process for selecting courses for 9th grade at Mainland Regional High School
- February 10th - students were given a letter which outlines the process and the time of the small group meeting.
- February 14th - Mrs. Harvey went into all ELA classes and provided a preview of the process for the students.
- February 21st - Mainland staff will give an informational presentation about Mainland and of the process to our 8th grade students
- February 27th, 28th and March 1st - Mainland will hold small group meetings with our students to go over their course selection sheet. Parents and guardians are invited to these meetings.
Freshman Registration for Mainland Regional High School
- Mainland is a separate school district
- Families need to complete and submit a registration packet either virtually or in-person
- Students will receive an informational letter outlining the process
- The letter will also be sent from Northfield via email
- In-person registration nights will be March 28th and 29th from 3-6pm at Mainland
Link to the Class of 2027 webpage - contains all information you will need for both processes